Satisfaction. Directed by Dougal Wilson. Music by Benny Benassi.  From the 2004 Hard Liquor and Porn Film Festival.

Toe Jam – The Uncensored Version. *

Music by the Brighton Port Authority (Fatboy Slim, David Byrne, Dizzee Rascal). Directed by Kieth Schofield. Produced by Southern Fried Records.

From the 2008 Hard Liquor and Porn Film Festival.

* The word ‘fucking’ is not bleeped out.

Stick Girl’s Guide to Safe Sex by Bruce Simpson from the 2002 Hard Liquor and Porn Film Party.

What’s Under There by Bruce Simpson from the 2004 Hard Liquor and Porn Film Festival.

Tales Of Mere Existance – “Horny” by Lev Yilmaz. From the 2004 Hard Liquor and Porn Film Festival

DEU NO JORNAL from yanko del pino on Vimeo. Played at the 2008 Hard Liquor and Porn Film Festival

Sissyboy Slap Party by Guy Maddin played at the 2005 Hard Liquor and Porn Film Festival.

Behind The Camera from Darryl Gold on Vimeo. Premiered at the 2005 Hard Liquor and Porn Film Festival.

We are looking for funny short films that are dirty, sexy, raunchy and/or just clever. Live action, animation, music videos, mobile phone movies, etc are ok. Any style or genre is accepted. You can submit real porn if you like as long as it’s funny or spectacular enough to make me spill my drink. We prefer films that are five minutes or less.

Click here to submit a film…

The 69 Hour Film Challenge – November 8-11 2012

Don’t have a film to submit? Take The 69 Hour Film Challenge. A three day film making competition to create a film with items from a sexy secret list. Top 69 Hour films screen at the festival.

Click here for more info…

Three Grandmas watch the Kardashian sex tape.

A Comedy Film Festival about SEX
Short Film - Music Video - Animation